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C. Thomas Vangsness, Jr., M.D.


Orthopaedic Surgery in Los Angeles, CA

Orthopaedic Surgery in Los Angeles, CABoard certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS), Dr. Vangsness serves the needs of patients in and around the greater Los Angeles area. Dr. Vangsness has been dedicated to the overall health and well-being of his patients in need of surgical procedures to restore movement to certain parts of their bodies, and he specializes in torn ACL repair, rotator cuff surgery, and other orthopaedic surgeries.

ACL Repair

For patients exhibiting a torn ACL, surgery is known to successfully repair the ligaments in the knee, eliminating most of the pain and swelling the patient has endured. Through replacement of the torn ligament, Dr. Vangsness is able to make the joints stable again and, in most cases, send the patient home the same day to begin the recovery process.

Rotator Cuff Surgery

For those patients who have damaged their rotator cuff due to aging, dislocation, fracture, or work profession, Dr. Vangsness offers an innovation surgery to repair the ligament. Through his innovative rotator cuff surgery, C. Thomas Vangsness M.D. has been repairing patients’ damaged tendons for years. By smoothing or sowing the torn tendon within the shoulder, Dr. Vangsness can help to alleviate the patient’s pain and help them gain eventual stability of their shoulder again.

After a period of six to eight weeks, the patient, along with the help of a physical therapist, is able to more vigorously work on continued strength and movement in the arm. We encourage you to look at the photos and diagrams of rotator cuff surgery located on the procedures page.

Other Orthopaedic Surgery Procedures

Attracting patients from all over Southern California, Dr. Vangsness specializes in a number of procedures for patients who need orthopaedic surgery. Through his state-of-the-art techniques at his Los Angeles practice, Dr. Vangsness performs:

  • ACL reconstruction
  • Cartilage repair
  • Meniscus surgery
  • Shoulder bursitis
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Dislocated shoulder repair

To schedule a consultation with orthopaedic surgery specialist Dr. Thomas Vangsness, please contact his Los Angeles office at (323) 442-5860.

Rotator Cuff Surgery, Los Angeles, CA

What is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is an essential part of any individual’s body and is responsible for movement and rotation within the shoulder. Because it controls the lifting that a patient can do with his or her shoulder, it is necessary for patients to regain control of it after an injury.

Causes of Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator Cuff Surgery, Los Angeles, CAUsually occurring in patients over the age of 50, a tear in the rotator cuff can be a common cause of pain from a fracture or dislocation. The rotator cuff can also become torn doing repetitive over-head work and activities in patients, such as:

  • Construction workers
  • Painters
  • Tennis players
  • Baseball or softball pitchers

How will rotator cuff surgery benefit me?

For patients with a rotator cuff injury, surgery will benefit them immensely. By repairing the tear by smoothing it out or sowing it back together, Dr. Vangsness is able to set the tendon in place in order for it to heal properly for future stability and movement.

Rotator Cuff Surgery

Through rotator cuff surgery, C. Thomas Vangsness, M.D., who is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS), will help you get back to actively using your shoulder again.

When the surgery is complete, the patient’s arm will be placed in a sling and pillow so that the site of the surgery can heal correctly. After the shoulder begins to heal, the patient will also be set up with a physical therapist so that he or she can begin to build back strength in the shoulder. Following six to eight weeks after the surgery, the patient should be able to use the repaired muscles with greater activity.

In addition, if you are suffering from a sudden fracture, dislocation, or shoulder bursitis, Los Angeles orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Vangsness can meet with you to discuss the best route to go.

To see our rotator cuff surgery expert, Dr. Thomas Vangsness, please feel free to contact us at (323) 442-5860. Call us today to schedule your consultation.

Common Shoulder InjuriesDislocated Shoulder

Specializing in orthopaedic surgery, Dr. Thomas Vangsness performs arthroscopic procedures, helping you regain strength and mobility after a dislocated shoulder injury. He uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure your comfort and safety and strives to help you heal and recover as fast and successfully as possible. If you’re suffering from a dislocated shoulder injury, come to see Dr. Vangsness for a healthy recovery.

Shoulder Bursitis

Highly recommended for his experience and personalized patient care, Dr. Vangsness is a leading orthopaedic surgeon. The “bursa” is a cushioning fluid structure that is positioned between the top of the humerus and the tip of the shoulder. The bursa can sometimes become compressed and inflamed, leading to a painful “bursitis” condition called impingement. Depending on the severity of your injury, Dr. Vangsness may suggest surgery to help relieve the pain and discomfort in your shoulder. We encourage you to browse our site to read more about shoulder bursitis treatment.

Shoulder Impingement

Highly skilled in the field of orthopaedic surgery, Dr. Vangsness is committed to helping you regain strength and mobility with shoulder impingement surgery. Designed to repair or tighten the capsule and ligaments that hold the shoulder in place, Dr. Vangsness performs shoulder impingement surgery using an arthroscope (miniature lighted telescope) and very small instruments, removing bone and soft tissue from the affected area. For personalized patient care and state-of-the-art surgery, come to Los Angeles for your shoulder impingement treatment.

If you’re suffering from a shoulder injury, we encourage you to contact orthopaedic specialist Dr. Thomas Vangsness. Please call (323) 442-5800 to schedule you consultation.

Treatment for Shoulder Bursitis in Los Angeles, CA

Treatment for Shoulder Bursitis in Los Angeles, CAIf you’re suffering from shoulder bursitis, come see orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Thomas Vangsness. Specializing in orthopaedic and sports related injuries, Dr. Vangsness is a leading professional in his field. The “bursa” is a cushioning fluid structure that is positioned between the top of the humerus and the tip of the shoulder. This structure can sometimes become compressed and inflamed, leading to a painful “bursitis” condition called impingement. Due to traumatic circumstances, the shoulder can become dislocated in which the head of the humerus comes out of its socket. If the humeral head partially slides out of the socket and slides back in without completely dislocating, this is called a subluxation. Both a dislocation and subluxation can cause ligaments, the capsule and the labrum to become injured, creating both instability and pain.

To treat shoulder bursitis after a first dislocation, Dr. Vangsness recommends conservative non-operative treatment including physical therapy to strengthen the muscles of the rotator cuff. After multiple dislocations or subluxations, however, surgery may be suggested to repair or tighten the capsule and ligaments that hold the shoulder in place. Your surgery is performed with a miniature lighted telescope called an arthroscope, introducing small instruments into the shoulder joint through hollow cannulas. Miniature screws with attached sutures are inserted precisely into the socket edge of the shoulder, and the torn ligaments and labrum are reattached to the socket. For personalized patient care and experience you can trust, come see Dr. Vangsness in Los Angeles, CA for your shoulder bursitis treatment.

For more information about shoulder bursitis treatment, schedule your consultation with Dr. Thomas Vangsness by calling (323) 442-5800.

Treatment for Shoulder Impingement in Los Angeles, CA

Shoulder Impingement, Los Angeles, CAFrequently found in both young athletes and middle-aged adults, shoulder impingement is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. This injury comes from pressure on the rotator cuff (four muscles making up the shoulder) from part of the shoulder blade as the arm is being lifted.

What is Shoulder Impingement?

In the shoulder, the acromion is the front edge of the shoulder blade. It sits over and in front of the head of the humerus and as the arm is lifted it rubs or “impinges” the surface of the rotator cuff. This causes pain and limited movement. Shoulder impingement injuries are often found in athletes and adults who use their arms for overhead movements including baseball players, swimmers, tennis players and construction workers.

Treatment for Shoulder Impingement

Depending on the injury, a partial tear in the rotator cuff may also cause shoulder impingement problems and sometimes pain may be due to a bursitis, inflammation of the bursa covering the rotator cuff. If conservative treatment such as physical therapy does not improve your condition or help relieve the pain, Dr. Vangsness may highly recommend surgery.

Shoulder impingement surgery is designed to repair or tighten the capsule and ligaments that hold the shoulder in place. The procedure is done arthroscopically, a less invasive procedure offering a quicker return to full activity. Dr. Vangsness performs shoulder impingement surgery with a miniature lighted telescope (arthroscope) and very small instruments, allowing him to remove bone and soft tissue from the affected area.

Orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Thomas Vangsness, offers surgery and treatment options for shoulder impingement problems. Contact our office at (323) 422-5800 for more information on shoulder impingement surgery and make your appointment today. Discover the road to better health with Dr. Thomas Vangsness.